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Active learning is a process whereby students engage in higher-order thinking tasks such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Cooperative learning, problem-based learning, and the use of case methods and simulations are some approaches that promote active learning. This section provides links to bibliographies, research summaries, articles, and other resources about active learning.
Used in the following lessons:
Brainstorming can be used effectively in both small and large group settings. Brainstorming is also considered an active learning strategy that allows students to creatively generated ideas, lists, terms, and solutions through the process of talking and listening. Meaningful learning can be enhanced through the use of brainstorming by encouraging students to make connections to prior knowledge and experience.
During a brainstorming session all ideas and suggestions should be accepted and built upon. There are two simple rules to remember when brainstorming; there is really no such thing as a bad idea and individuals should never be criticize for their contributions.
Used in the following lessons:
Cooperative learning is an effective, small-group, learning strategy which involves students of varying abilities working together to accomplish a shared goal. Cooperative learning fosters academic achievement by encouraging students to be actively responsible for their own learning as well as being part of a team. It is essential that an effective cooperative learning activity have specifically assigned roles and responsibilities for each group member, and that the importance of teamwork is reinforced and recognized by the group.
Used in the following lessons:
Guided practice is a teaching strategy that takes the teacher from the role of presenter and places them in the facilitator mode after a new task, topic, or concept has been introduced. As facilitator, the teacher is able to monitor, assist, and evaluate student progress on a given exercise or activity such as a math problem. The process of guided practice allows students to make connections to prior knowledge as they construct and reconstruct new and existing learning, and enables teachers to correct misconceptions.
Used in the following lessons:
Paired learning activities encourage students to work effectively together by exchanging information, developing ideas, and solving problems. Working together in pairs helps to develop social and team building skills while reinforcing a specific task, topic or concept. In order to be effective, paired learning activities should have clearly stated objectives or instructions and be monitored by the teacher.
Used in the following lessons: