Spend $45.00 to get free shipping
Spend $45.00 to get free shipping
Spend $45.00 to get free shipping
Spend $45.00 to get free shipping

Earn Extra Credit Loyalty Points

We know you’re strapped for time and can’t scour the internet looking for the very best prices on the things you want. You need your money to go further. We got you!



Accumulate EXTRA CREDIT POINTS on every purchase you make with us that you can redeem for discounts on future purchases.

✔ Instant – You’ll earn points automatically on every order you place with us that you can redeem for discounts on your orders. No more waiting for the quarter to end to cash in your savings.

✔ Transparent – Log in to your GEDDES website account any time to check your balance and see where you stand.

✔ Free – if you shop with us, you’ll earn points on every order. No club memberships or fees!

✔ Full of Savings – Instead of paying with credit terms or credit cards, you can choose to pay with your points right at checkout!

How Do I Sign Up?

If you create an account on our website, you’re automatically enrolled into our EXTRA CREDIT POINTS Program. You don’t have to do anything else except enjoy your savings!

How Do I Earn Extra Credit Points?

Earning points is simple arithmetic: Spend $10 = Get 100 points.

Here’s what you can earn:

Earn loyalty points with GEDDES

... and so on! You can earn points on any purchase you make on our website. There’s no limit to how much you can earn!

How Do I Cash In My Points?

When you reach 1000 points, you can cash them in to get a discount on your next purchase! Every 1000 points you earn will get you $10 off your entire order – no questions asked.

Log into your account on our website and click on the Rewards Icon that appears in the lower right hand side of the page. Then click on ways to redeem points. Choose a coupon amount of $10 to $75 off based on the number of points you have available. Your reward discount will be applied at checkout.

You can check your existing reward points balance anytime by logging into your account and visiting your account profile.

Want MORE?

You can double the points you earn during select weekends and months. Sign up for our email list so you know when those special events are happening!


 How are EXTRA CREDIT POINTS calculated?

Reward points are calculated and earned based on your order subtotal, before tax and shipping costs. Discounted orders that have redeemed rewards points applied to them will not earn additional rewards points towards your account’s balance.

After I make a purchase, when will my points be available to use?

Points will be available in your account only after your order has shipped and invoiced. You will not earn any points on a backordered item until that item has actually shipped.

Can I share my points with other people under my account?

No. Points are not transferrable. Points are tied to your personal account on our website. If you work for a school, library or other organization that has multiple buyers listed on an account, points will only accrue for whoever places the order.

What else should I be aware of?

  • Points are valid for 12 months from the date they are earned and are non-transferrable.
  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must live in the U.S. or Canada. (This is mainly because the laws regarding reward programs vary significantly from country to country and we can't manage them all without going insane! Sorry, no exceptions!)
  • You have to have a www.raymondgeddes.com account. Points cannot be combined from multiple accounts – even if a school or school district has multiple accounts with us.
  • Customers with wholesale, wholesale plus, or volume pricing are not eligible to earn Extra Credit Points.
  • If you cancel an order or return an item for a refund, you will lose any Extra Credit Points earned from that order or item.
  • Extra Credit Points are void where prohibited by law.
  • Extra credit points cannot be combined with other discount or promo codes.
  • Rewards are now based on only the item sub-totals. Shipping and tax are not included in the rewards calculation.