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By Phil Frost
Going on a field trip is surely one of the most beloved and memorable parts of school. For most kids, it’s a day packed with the promise of adventure, time spent with friends and a break from the usual rigors of the classroom. Even many years later, adults often recall with fondness some of their favorite trips that left an impression to stand the test of time.
Field trips are not just about focusing on fun and mixing things up. They are also excellent vehicles with which to deliver learning on a multitude of subjects and unforgettable experiences, all while disguised as a day of play. Depending on where you live, the time of year and what’s accessible to you, the options can be truly endless for choosing the best field trip for students of all ages.
Budget, transportation and nearby amenities can often dictate where and when you are able to take your students on a field trip, but here is a starter list of some of the best field trip ideas for students of all ages:
Field trips can be the perfect way to keep students engaged in learning, and providing an immersive opportunity to bring your lesson plans to life can be the best of both worlds for students and teachers alike. Explore GEDDES, a trusted leader in school supplies and resources for over 90 years, for inspiration to perfectly complement your field trip ideas for students of all ages. Contact us today or request a school supply catalog and learn more about all the options from Raymond Geddes.