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By Phil Frost

Beginning Readers - How to Encourage and Support Early Readers

When kids start learning to read, they require encouragement and support to keep going — especially those who are struggling. But with the right amount of dedication, early readers can set a solid foundation for not only academic success but a lifelong love of reading, too. 

So, as your young student begins opening books, encourage and support them with these tips. 

Have a Variety of Quality Books

Whether at home or in the classroom, having a variety of books means having options to choose from. And when you go a step further to ensure they are high-quality books, then you know your kids will be able to find something that suits them. 

With early readers, you have to remember that illustrations play as big of a role as the story itself — if not bigger. Your book selection will need to bear this in mind. 

Read Together

Reading together can be highly beneficial for young kids as they learn to love reading. 

When you read aloud, the student can begin to see how it engages the imagination. Asking questions and talking about the story, either as you go along or after, can help develop comprehension skills. And when they get to read aloud to you, they get to work on their reading skills. All these benefits make this time so effective. 

The more you do this together, the better. Whatever you do — do not force your kids to read. Doing so could backfire and your kids may begin to loathe the hobby. So if you see that reading together isn’t effective, let it go for the day and try again tomorrow. 

Make Reading a Part of Your Routine

Set aside time to read together or have quiet reading time with your kids, reading your own book. This may be during the school day, during an afternoon snack time, or even before bed. Choose a time that works for you that will be easy to adhere to every day. 

Habits are formed when they are practiced as part of a routine. And reading is an excellent habit to have. 

Be Encouraging with Letters and Sounds

There are too many words in the dictionary to count. Even though early readers know their alphabet and their letter sounds, it can be tough coming up with the right words. When they are struggling, remind them to look at the first letter of the word and begin to sound it all out. 

If you find they are getting frustrated, give them the word. You are there as a beacon of support — and that’s what you should be. 

Model Finger-Point Reading

As you read aloud to a young student, it is always a good idea to model finger-point reading. Just as its name suggests, this is when you point to each word as you say it. Not only is the child getting the story, but they are visibly seeing the words and can match it to their sounds. 

This is how most early readers read. Seeing you do it will reinforce their reading skills.

Encourage Early Readers at GEDDES

GEDDES offers school supplies of all types that can help young readers fall in love with reading. Rewards are perfect for positive feedback — for completing reading time or getting through a tough book — and fun bookmarks to help them save their spot for later. And that’s just a small portion of what we have to offer. 

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